Prop | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | A unique id used when rendering multiple TextEditor component. Optional otherwise. | |
enableToolbar | boolean | true | If the enableToolbar prop is set to false, the toolbar, including the buttons, will be hidden. |
readOnly | boolean | false | The editor will be in readonly mode when the readOnly prop is set to true |
disableEditor | boolean | false | The editor will be in disabled background when disableEditor prop is set to true |
onUpdate | func | callback called when the editor state changes. | |
value | MyValue | Value of the editor. | |
valueFormat | "JSON" | "HTML" | JSON | returns the editor value in html format if valueFormat is set to "HTML" and accepts the html data as "string" |
autoFormat | Auto formatting can be done as numbered or bulleted list when manually entered. eg: 1. , 1) , * , - , option+8 |
<TextEditor id="TextEditorBasic" />
() => {const [message, setmessage] = React.useState([{ type: 'p', children: [{ text: '' }] },]);const [clicked, setClicked] = React.useState(false);const [displayValue, setDisplayValue] = React.useState([{ children: [{ text: '' }] },]);const jsonBoxStyle = {width: '518px',height: '100px',overflow: 'auto',};React.useEffect(() => {setmessage(message);setClicked(false);}, [message]);return (<><TextEditorid="TextEditorJson"onUpdate={(val) => {setmessage(val);}}value={message}readOnly={clicked}/><Buttonstyle={{ margin: '10px 0px' }}onClick={() => {setClicked(true), setDisplayValue(message);}}>Save</Button>{clicked && (<><h3> JSON Object: </h3><Box sx={jsonBoxStyle}><pre>{message}</pre></Box></>)}</>);};
() => {const [message, setmessage] = React.useState([{ type: 'p', children: [{ text: '' }] },]);const [clicked, setClicked] = React.useState(false);const [displayValue, setDisplayValue] = React.useState([{ children: [{ text: '' }] },]);const htmlBoxStyle = {width: '518px',height: '100px',overflow: 'auto',};React.useEffect(() => {setmessage(message);setClicked(false);}, [message]);return (<><TextEditorid="TextEditorHtml"onUpdate={(val) => {setmessage(val);}}value={message}valueFormat={'HTML'}/><Buttonstyle={{ margin: '10px 0px' }}onClick={() => {setClicked(true), setDisplayValue(message);}}>Save</Button>{clicked && (<><h3> HTML Data: </h3><Box sx={htmlBoxStyle}><pre>{message}</pre></Box></>)}</>);};
<TextEditor id="TextEditorReadOnly" readOnly={true} />
<TextEditor id="TextEditorReadOnly" readOnly={true} iconVisible={false} />
() => {// Hard coded Slate valueconst message = [{ type: 'h2', children: [{ text: 'Lorem Ipsum Table' }] },{type: 'table',children: [{type: 'tr',children: [{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{ bold: true, text: 'Table Support' }],},],},{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{ bold: true, text: 'Awesome Table' }],},],},],},{type: 'tr',children: [{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt feugiat ante. Pellentesque in nisl sed mi consequat faucibus ultrices vitae lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec pretium massa velit, ac ultricies quam efficitur eget. Sed elementum, magna id sodales ornare, tortor felis cursus velit, vitae feugiat metus sem eget odio. Nam sollicitudin sem eget sodales convallis. Vivamus semper in ligula non vehicula. ',},],},],},{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt feugiat ante. Pellentesque in nisl sed mi consequat faucibus ultrices vitae lectus. ',},],},],},],},{type: 'tr',children: [{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt feugiat ante. Pellentesque in nisl sed mi consequat faucibus ultrices vitae lectus. ',},],},],},{type: 'td',children: [{type: 'p',children: [{text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt feugiat ante. Pellentesque in nisl sed mi consequat faucibus ultrices vitae lectus. ',},],},],},],},],},];return (<><TextEditor id="TextEditorJson" value={message} readOnly /></>);};