Prop | Type | Default | Description |
fullStoryOrg | string | FullStory Org this is a short string provided by FullStory, required to initialize | |
isImpersonating | boolean | Whether or not the currently logged in user is being impersonated, can be determined by <jwt>.imp | |
onStopImpersonation | function | Use this function to make the appropriate a DELETE request to `/sso/impersonation` with the current jwt, upon completion clear the current app session and refresh | |
routerPath | string | Current active pathname per the router being used | |
routerPush | (string) => void | A function that pushes a route to the browser history | |
routerRoutes | string | A list of routes that should use `routerPush` rather than a direct anchor tag | |
referrerUrl | string | Catalog referrer url | |
variant | 'normal' | 'slim' | The varinat type is used to change the header view | |
logoutUrl | string | An optional logout URL that can be used to override the /logout route. |
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';const App = () => {const history = useHistory();return (<ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}><ThemeProvider><HeaderisImpersonating={!!tokenInfo.imp}onStopImpersonation={() =>fetch('/sso/impersonation', { method: 'DELETE' }).then(clearSession)}routerPath={history.location.pathname}routerPush={history.push}routerRoutes={['/one-to-ones']}referrerUrl=""/>{/* The rest of your page */}</ThemeProvider></ApolloProvider>);};
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';const App = () => {const router = useRouter();return (<ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}><ThemeProvider><HeaderisImpersonating={!!tokenInfo.imp}onStopImpersonation={() =>fetch('/sso/impersonation', { method: 'DELETE' }).then(clearSession)}routerPath={router.pathname}routerPush={router.push}routerRoutes={['/', '/myteam', '/profile', '/settings']}referrerUrl=""/>{/* The rest of your page */}</ThemeProvider></ApolloProvider>);};
*Note the code below is only for display purposes on the docs page
() => {// import { LaunchDarklyProvider } from '@octanner/prism-utilities';// import { defaultReactOptions } from 'launchdarkly-react-client-sdk';const [domNode, setDomNode] = React.useState(null);const [routerPath, setRouterPath] = React.useState('/');// const ldContext = useContext(defaultReactOptions.reactContext);// Use ldContext instead of mockData in your appconst mockData = {flags: {ccuiMultipleBanksP240315: true,},flagKeyMap: {ccuiMultipleBanksP240315: 'ccui-multiple-banks-p-240315',},ldClient: {},};React.useEffect(() => {const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'portal'; = 'sticky'; = '0px'; = 1000;document.body.prepend(div);setDomNode(div);return () => {div.remove();};}, []);if (domNode) {return ReactDOM.createPortal(<LaunchDarklyProvider reactSDKContext={mockData}><HeaderfullStoryOrg="TEST"isImpersonating={true}onStopImpersonation={() => console.log('stop impersonating')}routerPath={routerPath}routerPush={setRouterPath}routerRoutes={['/','/admin','/catalog','/initiatives','/logout','/myteam','/notifications','/one-to-ones','/profile','/settings','/wellbeing','/yearbook','/anniversaries',]}referrerUrl=""variant="normal"/></LaunchDarklyProvider>,domNode,);}return null;};