() => {const options = [{ id: '208730', name: 'Accomplishment' },{ id: '608114', name: 'Appreciate' },{ id: '927489', name: 'Celebrate Careers' },{ id: '44689', name: 'Congratulations' },{ id: '577147', name: 'Custom' },{ id: '3748', name: 'Customer Service' },{ id: '923026', name: 'Encouragement' },{ id: '211281', name: 'Events' },{ id: '889165', name: 'Great Work' },{ id: '658239', name: 'Happy Birthday' },{ id: '923025', name: 'Holiday Cheer' },{ id: '579120', name: 'Innovation' },{ id: '233760', name: 'Leadership' },{ id: '610850', name: 'Miscellaneous' },{ id: '48436', name: 'New' },{ id: '3738', name: 'Safety' },{ id: '577332', name: 'Retirement' },{ id: '591350', name: 'Teamwork' },{ id: '4292', name: 'Thank you' },{ id: '395', name: 'Value' },{ id: '1041908', name: 'Veterans' },{ id: '3742', name: 'Volunteer' },{ id: '36004', name: 'Welcome' },{ id: '236063', name: 'Wellness' },];const [selections, onSelectionChange] = React.useState({});const isSelected = (option) => selections[option.name];const onChange = ({ target: { checked, name } }) => {onSelectionChange((prev) => ({...prev,[name]: checked,}));};const selectAll = () => {const newSelections = {};options.forEach((option) => {newSelections[option.name] = true;});onSelectionChange(newSelections);};const selectNone = () => {onSelectionChange({});};return (<OptionsListoptions={options}isSelected={isSelected}onSelectAll={selectAll}onSelectNone={selectNone}onChange={onChange}/>);};
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
options | T[] | Array of options | |
onChange | (e) => void | Callback fired when any checkbox is changed. Same onChange as a Checkbox | |
onSelectAll | (e) => void | Callback fired when Select All button is clicked. Button is hidden if either of these functions are missing | |
onSelectNone | (e) => void | Callback fired when Clear Selections button is clicked. Button is hidden if either of these functions are missing | |
isSelected | (option: T) => boolean | Function that determines if an option is selected or not | |
renderCheckbox | (option: T, isSelected: boolean, onChange) => ReactNode | (function that renders a CheckBox inside a FormControlLabel using the option.name as the label) | Callback fired when rendering each checkbox. Takes the option, the result of calling the isSelected prop with the option, and the onChange prop as parameters. |
error | string | String to display in an error alert, if present | |
onErrorDismiss | () => void | Callback fired when error alert close button is clicked. Close button only appears if this is set. |
() => {const options = [{ id: '208730', name: 'Accomplishment' },{ id: '608114', name: 'Appreciate' },{ id: '927489', name: 'Celebrate Careers' },{ id: '44689', name: 'Congratulations' },{ id: '577147', name: 'Custom' },{ id: '3748', name: 'Customer Service' },{ id: '923026', name: 'Encouragement' },{ id: '211281', name: 'Events' },{ id: '889165', name: 'Great Work' },{ id: '658239', name: 'Happy Birthday' },{ id: '923025', name: 'Holiday Cheer' },{ id: '579120', name: 'Innovation' },{ id: '233760', name: 'Leadership' },{ id: '610850', name: 'Miscellaneous' },{ id: '48436', name: 'New' },{ id: '3738', name: 'Safety' },{ id: '577332', name: 'Retirement' },{ id: '591350', name: 'Teamwork' },{ id: '4292', name: 'Thank you' },{ id: '395', name: 'Value' },{ id: '1041908', name: 'Veterans' },{ id: '3742', name: 'Volunteer' },{ id: '36004', name: 'Welcome' },{ id: '236063', name: 'Wellness' },];const [selections, onSelectionChange] = React.useState({});const isSelected = (option) => selections[option.name];const onChange = ({ target: { checked, name } }) => {onSelectionChange((prev) => ({...prev,[name]: checked,}));};return (<OptionsListoptions={options}isSelected={isSelected}onChange={onChange}/>);};
() => {const options = [{ id: '608114', name: 'Appreciate' },{ id: '44689', name: 'Congratulations' },{ id: '3748', name: 'Customer Service' },{ id: '889165', name: 'Great Work' },{ id: '658239', name: 'Happy Birthday' },{ id: '579120', name: 'Innovation' },{ id: '4292', name: 'Thank you' },];const [selections, onSelectionChange] = React.useState({});const isSelected = (option) => selections[option.name];const onChange = ({ target: { checked, name } }) => {onSelectionChange((prev) => ({...prev,[name]: checked,}));};const selectAll = () => {const newSelections = {};options.forEach((option) => {newSelections[option.name] = true;});onSelectionChange(newSelections);};const selectNone = () => {onSelectionChange({});};return (<OptionsListoptions={options}isSelected={isSelected}onChange={onChange}onSelectAll={selectAll}onSelectNone={selectNone}/>);};