() => {const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);const unfilteredOptions = [{id: 1,firstName: 'Joe',lastName: 'Bob',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',disabled: true,disabledText: "I'm disabled",},{id: 2,firstName: 'Jill',lastName: 'Jackson',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',type: 'People',},{id: 3,firstName: 'Frank',lastName: 'Sinatra',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',type: 'People',},{id: 4,firstName: 'Billy',lastName: 'Jean',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 5,firstName: 'Meryl',lastName: 'Streep',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 6,firstName: 'Bob',lastName: 'Saget',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 7,firstName: 'Zoe',lastName: 'Deschanel',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 8,firstName: 'Will',lastName: 'Ferrell',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 9,firstName: 'John',lastName: 'Candy',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 10,firstName: 'Jane',lastName: 'Merry',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 11,firstName: 'Jill',lastName: 'Ferrell',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},{id: 12,firstName: 'Jerry',lastName: 'Candy',subTitle: 'Some Subtitle',avatar: 'https://placehold.it/50',type: 'People',},];const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false);const [searchText, setSearchText] = React.useState('');const debouncedText = useDebouncedValue(searchText);const [options, setOptions] = React.useState([]);React.useEffect(() => {if (searchText) {setLoading(true);const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {setLoading(false);setOptions(unfilteredOptions.filter((option) =>new RegExp(searchText, 'ig').test(`${option.firstName} ${option.lastName}`,),),);}, 500 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000));return () => {clearTimeout(timeoutId);setLoading(false);};} else {setOptions([]);}}, [debouncedText]);return (<><Button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Open Search Modal</Button><Modalid="simple-Modal"title="Title"open={open}backButtonProps={{ className: 'back-button-classname' }}onClose={() => setOpen(false)}><SearchhelperText="Enter a name to search"id="people-single-search"multiple={false}noOptionsText="We couldn't find anyone who matched your search"loading={loading}onChange={console.log}onInputChange={(e) => setSearchText(e.target.value)}options={options}placeholder="Search"variant="large"type="single"renderOption={(props, option) => (<SearchOptionCard{...props}avatarUrl={option.avatar}showAvatartitle={`${option.firstName} ${option.lastName}`}subTitle={option.subTitle}type={option.type}/>)}/></Modal></>);};
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
actions | Button[] | The Modal action button(s) | |
backText | string | Back | The text for the Modal back button |
backDataTestId | string | The data-testid that will be assigned to the Modal back button | |
backButtonProps | Partial<ButtonProps> | Props for the back button | |
children | node | Modal children, usually the included sub-components. | |
id | string | The id(s) of the element(s) that describe/label the Modal. | |
onBack | function | Callback when the back button is clicked | |
onClose | function | Callback when an action is taken to close the Modal | |
open* | bool | If true, the Modal is open. | |
title | string | Title of the Modal. Avoid leaving it blank. Instead use the hideTitle prop. | |
titleTypographyProps | Partial<TypographyProps> | Props for the Title typography | |
fullScreen | boolean | Display fullScreen Modal | |
hideTitle | boolean | true | Hides modal title. Use it to improve accessibility. |
disableCloseButton | boolean | Disables the interaction with the close button on the modal title when passed true | |
disableBackText | boolean | Disables the interaction with the Back text on the modal title when passed true | |
backTextAutoFocus | boolean | Back text will be auto-focused when true is passed. |
The ref
is forwarded to the root element.
() => {const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1);const handleOpen = () => {setOpen(true);};const handleClose = (value) => {setOpen(false);setPage(1);};return (<><Button color="primary" onClick={handleOpen}>Open Basic Modal</Button><Modalactions={<><ButtononClick={() => {if (page === 1) setPage(2);else handleClose();}}>{page === 1 ? 'Next' : 'Save'}</Button><Button onClick={handleClose} color="secondary">Cancel</Button></>}backText="Back"id="simple-Modal"onBack={page > 1 ? () => setPage(1) : null}onClose={handleClose}open={open}title="Title"><div>{Array(page > 1 ? 1 : 40).fill('').map((_, i) => (<Typography key={i}>Some simple Modal page {page}</Typography>))}</div></Modal></>);};
() => {const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1);const [collapse, setCollapse] = React.useState(false);const handleOpen = () => {setOpen(true);};const handleClose = (value) => {setOpen(false);};return (<><Button color="primary" onClick={handleOpen}>Open Collapse Modal</Button><Modalactions={<><ButtononClick={() => {setCollapse((collapse) => !collapse);}}>{collapse ? 'Show Less' : 'Show More'}</Button><Button onClick={handleClose} color="secondary">Cancel</Button></>}id="collapse-Modal"onClose={handleClose}open={open}title="Title">{Array(10).fill('').map((_, i) => (<Typography key={i}>Some simple Modal content</Typography>))}<Collapse in={collapse} timeout={1000}>{Array(10).fill('').map((_, i) => (<Typography key={i}>More simple Modal content</Typography>))}</Collapse></Modal></>);};
() => {const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);const [page, setPage] = React.useState(0);const isMobile = useMediaQuery('(max-width: 480px)');const handleOpen = () => {setOpen(true);};const handleClose = (value) => {setOpen(false);setPage(0);};return (<><Button color="primary" onClick={handleOpen}>Open Full Screen Modal</Button><Modalactions={<><Buttondata-testid="next-button"size="extraLarge"onClick={() => {if (page === 0) setPage(1);else handleClose();}}>{page === 0 ? 'Next' : 'Save'}</Button></>}backText="Back"id="fullScreen-Modal"onBack={page > 0 ? () => setPage(0) : null}onClose={handleClose}open={open}fullScreentitle='Recognize'hideTitle={isMobile ? false : true}><div><Steppersteps={[{ label: 'Who', id: 0 },{ label: 'Recognize', id: 1 },{ label: 'Message', id: 2 },{ label: 'Review & Submit', id: 3 },]}activeStep={page}onStepClick={(step) => setPage(step.id)}/><Typography variant="h1" sx={{ marginTop: '48px' }}>{page === 0? 'Who are you recognizing?': 'Personalize your message'}</Typography><div>{Array(page > 0 ? 1 : 40).fill('').map((_, i) => (<Typography key={i}>Some full screen modal content page {page}</Typography>))}</div></div></Modal></>);};